• On-Site Registration Opens:
    30 November 2008

  • Awards Luncheon:
    1 December 2008

  • Exhibit Opening & 
    Welcome Reception:
    1 December 2008








Abbas Jamalipour, Tutorials Co-Chair
Henry Suthon, Tutorials Co-Chair

Organizing committee of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day and full-day presentations on topics of interest of the conference. As a result of a recent review by the Communications Society’s GITC (IEEE GLOBECOM/ICC Technical Contents) Committee, this year the selection of tutorial proposals will be conducted in two stages. At this time we invite prospective instructors to submit a one-page expression of interest (EoI) which includes the following information through EDAS (under the heading of IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 Tutorials).

The following information must be included in the EoI for all tutorial proposals:

  • Title of the tutorial proposal
  • Full name, title, and affiliation of the instructor(s)
  • A short summary of the tutorial proposal
  • A short biography of the instructor(s)
  • Intended length of the tutorial (half-day or full-day)
  • Extended Deadline for submission of proposals: Monday, March 31, 2008
    Please note that EDAS will require registration of the proposal first by the title, keywords, authors’ names, and an abstract. After completion of this registration, please upload a one-page proposal in pdf format with the above information to EDAS. Proposals without this uploaded page won’t be considered. 

    All complete EoIs will be judged and ranked using the following criteria and authors of selected proposals will be contacted for a full-proposal submission no later than 15 April 2008. The format of the complete proposal for the selected EoIs will be informed by the tutorials chairs. In general it will include detailed information about the tutorial including abstract, scope, intended audience, objective and motivation, prior history of the tutorial presentation, outlines, biographical sketch, and other information that helps us to decide the best proposals.  Deadline for submission of complete proposals will be 1 May 2008.

  • Importance of the topic
  • Timeliness of the topic
  • Track record of the instructor
  • Previous history for instructing tutorials
  • Any questions should be sent to the IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 Tutorials Chair, Abbas Jamalipour, a.jamalipour@ieee.org or Henry Suthon, h.suthon@ieee.org. Please note that final decisions on accepting tutorial proposals will also reflect space limitations at the conference venue.